F.H. install on apexi SAFC

if anyone knows how to install one of these and wouldn’t mind helping me out that would be awsome

http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~tmerrick/240SX/apex_safc.htm , this is for safc I but I’m sure the safc 2 only has what a one more wire for the knock sensor. Either way I’m sure this will help. Found this on ka-t.org, it has the pinout for ka24de with safcII and it only has an extra purple wire for the knock sensor.

SAFC-II Wiring Diagram for KA24DET

SAFC-II Wire Color - ECU Pin # - ECU Wire Color - Function

White wire - ECU pin 16 - white wire - MAF Signal Input from MAF (You actually cut the ECU’s wire in half)

Yellow wire - ECU pin 16 - white wire - MAF Signal Output to ECU*

Grey wire - pin 20 - white wire - TPS

Purple wire - pin 27 - white wire - Knock Sensor

Green wire - pin 2 - yellow/red wire - Tach Signal

Red wire - pin 4 - black/white wire - Power

Black wire - pin 39 - black wire - Ground (Further from ECU 1cm from brown SAFC wire)

Brown wire - pin 39 - black wire - Ground (closer to ECU 1cm from black SAFC wire)

Refer to this post for more info http://www.ka-t.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=8089

I used the first link for mine, it took me about 30 minutes to do the whole install, it’s the same for the sr20det, actually the picture of the harness on the top link is from the sr20det, not the ka24de, but it works all the same.

apex i website and your engine’s ecu pinout diagram… fairly straight forward, splice all, test then solder!