Ive ridden a few carbed bikes and the throttle response isn’t as responsive as my FI bike. I could definatley see a difference. But like everyone else says, If you find a good deal on a carbed bike i wouldnt pass it up. If the difference is only a couple 100 dollars id get the FI.
as of right now the differences are around 800 or more. This is going off craigslist and wantad digest. Not a lot of bikes around right now I guess
[quote=Coldaccord;952913]I definitely liked fi better; it’s more reliable, easier to tune, and you don’t have to clean, tune, or jet any carbs.
but, recent (99+) carbed bikes really aren’t that awful. both my r6’s were carbed and it was fine. I hated my 94 ninja though, the carbs were a pain in the ass.
I never had a carb issue with my 89 Ninja, I think it ran better my 01 Suzuki. I think it’s because my Ninja was bone stock, jets, pipes and all.
If you go screwing with a carb bike (Air Filter, pipe, whatever) be careful as you can screw up how it runs. No different than a car with a carb. Nice thing about FI is the ease of making changes. It can compensate itself to an extent. Not to mention the FI advantage.
Choke really isn’t an issue once you get used to it. You just need to know what that bike wants in a given temp. Again no different than any carb car, lawn tractor, or anything with a manual choke.
As stated, if the carb bike is a deal then buy it.
I read your post and willys response, willy has it covered no need to add anything
thanks willy :tup:
well there it is then, seems like most people agree with willys post, some don’t. Regardless, a FI bike is what I am looking for ATM and this thread is making me take a harder look at any carbed bike…deal or not.
Yeah, i understand completely but like you said, if you can then shoot for an FI bike. We’ll see what I can find.