My friend is looking to sell his computer for 800 dollars roughly, here are the system specs
E8400 Core 2 duo 3.0Ghz 1333 FSB
Evga 680i mobo
Nvidia 7900gs 256
74 Gig raptor hard drive 10k rpm
500 Gig western digital
4 Gigs of XMS DDR2 ram
Cooler Master case
500 watt power supply
It will be sold as a whole, no parting it out
August 20, 2008, 12:38pm
Nice rig!
If you part out, PM me about HD
bump this is a very solid setup
the comp runs vista ultimate beautifully but its kinda screwy if u try to run vista 64bit
August 20, 2008, 5:32pm
thats not gaming. if it had an 8 or 9 series gpu then it would be gaming. Nice computer tho. That cpu can hit 3.6 easy on the 680i, and matched with a new gpu that thing would rock most games on highest settings.
yea it is the 7900gs will handle games just fine
August 29, 2008, 5:51pm
eh… it is definitely a nice comp… but 256 isn’t necessarily ground breaking…
It will play just about anything though.
it can run crysis good on med. settings if that helps n e
August 29, 2008, 6:59pm
depends on your definition of fine. Its def a good pc for the price but that card is holding its true potential back, w/o a doubt