so yeah, i dont want to sell this at all. BUT everything has its price and summers coming up and ive got like 1039488 other guns to playwith and id rather buy parts for my car. so 400 takes her and a bunch of accessories.
youll get the rifle obviously. its a yugo sks with the granade launcher and blade bayonet came with a teakwood stock which you will get along with the fiberbforce folding stock, 30 rnd DETACHABLE magazine, standard 10 round magazine, 35ish sripper clips, scope mount, genuine issue ak/sks sling and ammo bandolier thingy, some targets, the OEM issue amo pouch and cleaning kit, 10 holow point rounds, some hoppes cleaning oil, and a guitar hardcase that i keep it in and i think there may be a few other trinkets as well. theres only been 150 rounds fired though the rifle. i bought it brand new in the cosmolene.