Why does it matter if his car is/was for sale or not? The fact that he wanted to do something to it not knowing the timeline in which it would sell is completely up to him, and Im kind of confused as to why you, the producer, would not want him, a consumer, to buy your product, irregardless of his cars sale status. By that logic, unless you plan on keeping a car forever, you shouldnt mod it, b/c youre just going to sell it anyways, so whats the point, right?
Part 2:
How does him not calling you have anything to do with the amount of courage one has? Maybe he’s busy, maybe he just doesnt want to deal with the run-around bullshit that most half-ass shop owners seem to shell out. He, like anyone else is entitled to say whatever he wants on the forum, be it a positive, or in this case negative experience with a “shop”. If you cant take having someone be disappointed with your product from time to time, youre certainly in the worng business, b/c it will happen here and there.