F1 tuning claims 30% hp increase, 40% tq increase, you believe it?

Read this again !!!

Post # 198 my first post !
Let me introduce myself.
Tonino Petrolo “founder and CEO of F1 Tuning Corporation”

I don’t know how this happened and what has caused the problem. But 30% power gain and 40% torque etc, does not apply to this car.
I apologize for any inconvenience.
But I can assure you that I will figure out the issue and bring the answers to all of the forum members of “Why this car does not make power”.
There is a problem “somewhere”.
I personally be there @ Autohaus tomorrow morning, i need the car, so please bring the car !!!
It would be done in the AM," there is no mistake beside the 30% info tha was used on the wrong car"
I am working on finding out where this issue arose from. Once I figure it out, i will explain in details to everyone. If you have any other questions or concerns there is FAQ on my website.
Feel free to read.
I just tuned a 2011 BMW 328 that was tuned @ Autohaus Motors.
No issues, the car was brand new, no mileage.
I read about clutch slipping regarding this car,
First I also got a call about “air injection pump” and wanted it to be deleted regarding this car, and i said no !
So I got the ECU and tuned it myself, I feel there are many issues with this car and I will work diligently to come with an answer on why this has happened.
Here is the info that can also be found on FAQ on my website. www.f1tuning.com

Post # 232
I am repeating once again, that I was willing to come up there and figure out what the problem is and show to all of you that tuning has nothing to do with the issue and to be able to switch mod to stock and vice versa @ the dyno and show proof/picture/video dyno results, and of course i would prefer the one in question.
But as we all see the talking changes
This seems to me that he is just making a huge stink out of nothing in order to get reimbursed and keep the tuning while the car has problems, first if the car has problems, and “I know 540 problems very well” once there is a tuning installed it amplifies the problem and makes it worst.
BDW Trophy are given based on reason “concourse elegance” are not Sunday parking lot show
“The curb wing” are made for aerodynamic reason to keep car more stable on high speed not for look.

Post #256
I never asked you to like me. I really do not care if you do or don’t.
Regardless, you said you want to be reimbursed, but in the meanwhile you been selling your car for 3 months now, you found a buyer and got the deposit. So if you had the car for sale, why bother going through all the trouble, time wasted and money to have your car tuned?
You keep contradicting yourself.
I don’t think that any of your statements about the dyno are true. i will not take anything you have to say as being credible unless i see it and prove it for myself, but its evident that you have no intention of showing to me or letting me prove to you the truth.
You could have handled yourself like a mature person and at least had the courage to pick up the phone and contact me directly, instead of posting useless information on this site and stating false statements.
Remember i would have come up there tomorrow in the AM and resolved this. But you refuse. You have made up more excuses than mother goose. Also, seriously, there is no need for foul language and hatred towards me or anyone else at this point. I offered my services, you refused it, end of story!