F150 recall, BOOM, airbag surprise!

The problem is caused by an improperly placed wire in the steering wheel, where the airbag is housed. Insulating material on the wire can rub off, causing a short circuit that can lead to warning lights and inadvertent deployment.


Hahaha, I wanna see in-car vid of this. Random guy just sitting at a redlight sipping on his coffee BOOMskis!

Clearly the risk assessment team from the Pinto days is still alive and well at Ford…

Ford had claimed the problem did not represent a safety issue because, in these cases, the airbags go off moments after the truck is first started and before the driver has taken the vehicle out onto the road.

Yeah, no risk there. Can’t tell you how many times I quickly hopped in my old Expedition after the wife was driving it only to find myself squished against the wheel. Usually I’d start it with one hand while using the other to move the power seat back. If the airbag went off it would have shot me into the back seat.

That’s like the first thing that popped into my head when I read this too :rofl:

This is old news lol

just another epic domestic fail


older cars have this problem, i remember reading about a guy in his e30 hitting a pothole and his airbag went off, breaking his nose…

It was old news because Ford recalled 150k F150’s over this. The NHTSA said it was way more and Ford conceded today and recalled 1.2 million.

No worse than sudden unintended acceleration…

Ok, seriously? If your car suddenly starts accelerating, and you don’t have enough sense to just throw it in neutral, you deserve what you get, and don’t belong in a motor vehicle.

However, anytime I’m driving, and there’s a chance of an explosion into my face, I might seriously have a problem.

Jesus fucking Christ.

Josh, ban this new guy.

Not to mention you’re in a prius, so you’ve got like 3 minutes before you’re at warp speed.

You apparently didn’t get the sarcasm. Hi by the way.

I lol’ed.