Facebook wtf.

iiM Sureee yOo R*. yOove been gOiin fOr yRSz nOw!!! lOl. && ii dNtt RllyyyknO hOw tO ReSzpOndddd tO the Other Statementt. ii gueSs iif yOo rEally wantt her tO leave yOo 2 alOne && R* SeriiOuSz abOutt iit then juSs leave her alOne && iiN tiime She wilL StOppp cuSz iitSz gOnna Gett bOriinggggg iif yOo juSs iiGnOre her. bUtt iiM friiendSz w// bOthh Of yahhh. …&& yOor bOth SayyiiN yOo wantt tO B* leftt alOne byy the Other One sOoOOO whyy iiSz iit sOoOOO Damn haRd!!! lOl.

Badddd mOrniingggggg!!! Ohkayyyy Dayyyyy. nOw hOpiingggg fOr a "gOod"NiiGhtt!!! lOl. hOpefUlLyyy iitSz niiCe Outt tOmorrOw sOoOOOo meee && viiCkeyyy Can hiit Uhpp theee bEaChh!!! :heart:

‎…“.Giimmeee thtt GiiRlL w// her haiiR alL a meSs, Sleepyyy liilL SmiLe w// her hEad On myyy Cheztt. thttSz the yOo thtt ii liike beSztt! Giimmeee thtt GiiRlL.”…:heart:

Seriously? :rofl :rofl :rofl

How the fuck long does it take this bitch to make posts??

would smash…?


Gotta agree with Wayne on this one

Trying to read that gives me a headache…

what a hood rat

I feel dumber after this…

she looks very white trash in her one pic. her bf or whatever looks like ghetto white trash with his karl kani shorts.

Holy shit

yEahhhh ii knO* Briit, gOiin ON 6 yRSz nOw. && iif iit aiint gOod byyyy nOw then ii dNtt knO when iit dOeSz gEtt gOod. gEeZz!!! iiM juSs SiiCk Of iit!!!


bitch needs to be banished to myspace

This is exactly why facebook became shit as soon as they allowed anyone to be a member

Jim hahn is a mutal friend :lol

:rofl not suprised

would smash

i added her. haha. see if i get an add back from this whobag that has some srsly fucked teeth

Do not want!

are those bumps from shaving off a beard?

ahhh granade!!!
second thought definitely a nuke…


PJB runs the internets. Time to clean house. 12ga or AUG?

I’d buttfuck her.
