iiM Sureee yOo R*. yOove been gOiin fOr yRSz nOw!!! lOl. && ii dNtt RllyyyknO hOw tO ReSzpOndddd tO the Other Statementt. ii gueSs iif yOo rEally wantt her tO leave yOo 2 alOne && R* SeriiOuSz abOutt iit then juSs leave her alOne && iiN tiime She wilL StOppp cuSz iitSz gOnna Gett bOriinggggg iif yOo juSs iiGnOre her. bUtt iiM friiendSz w// bOthh Of yahhh. …&& yOor bOth SayyiiN yOo wantt tO B* leftt alOne byy the Other One sOoOOO whyy iiSz iit sOoOOO Damn haRd!!! lOl.
Badddd mOrniingggggg!!! Ohkayyyy Dayyyyy. nOw hOpiingggg fOr a "gOod"NiiGhtt!!! lOl. hOpefUlLyyy iitSz niiCe Outt tOmorrOw sOoOOOo meee && viiCkeyyy Can hiit Uhpp theee bEaChh!!!
…“.Giimmeee thtt GiiRlL w// her haiiR alL a meSs, Sleepyyy liilL SmiLe w// her hEad On myyy Cheztt. thttSz the yOo thtt ii liike beSztt! Giimmeee thtt GiiRlL.”…
Seriously? :rofl :rofl :rofl
How the fuck long does it take this bitch to make posts??