ATTN: Mcfluffy

im so sick of your DUMBASS posts on facebook. u are constantly posting the stupidest shit every few mins. stop being a debbie downer and go do something contructive with your life u FACK! and i dont care if im being a dick here but no one CARES about your rashes or if your bored and want someone to text u every two seconds. really man? if your that depressed do what i do, jerk off, pop a melatonin and go to bed. or gain some weight and become really fat. something man, just stop posting everything that comes into that fat head of yours.


couldn’t have just said this on facebook?


I agree with Emanuel, you sound like you need to wack off.

making a thread about it is just as dumb as the facebook posts…

let the kid be lol , he is doin what he needs to in school and whatnot . he misses the 5-1-8 yo

His posts on FB > making a thread on Shift complaining about his posts on FB, thus making you look worse than him.

Epic backfire :rofl

this N whines more than Paulies ROOTS TYPE SON!

then unfriend him if he bugs ya that much man lol

On a side note

You cant unfriend with iPhone AP


havnt figured this out on the iphone yet.

dumbasss lol

another side note, i met ur brother sat night john. hes a cool dude.

where ???

Didnt know you use an iPhone.

See above :rofl

that bar he works at

thats all i use to spacebook. need new home comp.

ahhhh peddlers ? ya sholud talk to him man , he is a meathead wannabee

Learn to block posts from specific people on fb:facepalm

we were talking. thats how i knew he was ur bro BRAH! he kicked some fags out that wanted to fight paulie and some other kids we were with. i was like awwwwwwweeeeeeee why did u kick them out before i came over haha.

lolol , when were u guys up there , i woulda came up and kicked my bro,s ass lol