
anyone having issues

it takes me like 10 times to log in every time and when it does log in. it is super laggy

and all of my facebook “friends” are gone

i searched it and it appears alot of people are having this same issue and was wondering if anyone here is having the same problem?

It might be some spyware all up in yo shizz. Bookface works fine for me.

im virus free and jazz

Shush Peter.
Facebook is planning world domination and will secretly destroy!

We’re all in this alone.

I’m fine all the way in Korea shrugs


its from all the gay porn you got running in the back

i have it to and sometimes it says my friend names was ie,
dave ,collins then the next day it was dave, rambulberry WTF it happens all the time

i find when i use internet exploxer i can’t log onto facebook or this site.
but if i use google chrome its fast and always lets me on.

maybe try changing browsers

so we’re all in this, yet we’re all alone? Oxymoron?

Peter you’ll just have to spend some time finding real world friends :). BBM me we’ll setup a friendship


peter you know its true…

All real Pokemon masters use Chrome. When you gotta catch 'em all, only Google Chrome will do :wink:

Facebook works fine for me…and I’m all the way in the Greek islands…