This guy i was in a band with in the summer got stabbed a bar in in the greensburgh area.
Guess he was with his new gf at a bar, the girls Xboy waited outside, attacked them, stabbed her 8 times, and when he caught up with the low life they got into it agian and he stabbed my buddy too
I donno if their were 2 of them, but my buddy made it seem that 2 of them attacked him… but their being held on 500,000 bond right now for.
Fucking lowlives. the Kid had it bad enough with his x having custody of his kid till he FINALLY prooved that she was a unfit mother and go custody back.
Oh well, I hope this fucker rots in hell.
I buying a gun now or never going to a bar that Im not with 5 or more friends… good thing my girl doesnt have a jelous X’s
[edit]FUCK, my buddy just told me that she was stabbed 8 times and died in the hospital yesterday:( :down:
Fuck, this def sucks, sad thing is this guy will probably end up roaming the streets in 4-6 years because he got out in “good behavior” :bash:
well, they walked outa the bar, her X jumped them, stabbed her, the X ran off and my buddy ensued, he fought with him for a little bit then got stabbed himself.
Originally posted by BlkP42E so the gf got stabbed?
yeah stabbed and died… this was at toads bar… buddy of mine walked outside as soon as the cops came and he said it was nasty… nothing but blood everywhere on the streets and he looked of to seeing the stabbed girl died in the arm of the guy… which got stabbed to ag 28… the girl was at the bar and was only 20…
Originally posted by 97GrandAMLD9 yea i think im guying a gun the day i turn 21, the world is crazy anymore.
The way things are today you better get one before your 21, legal or not.
Originally posted by P8NT-BALLAH The way things are today you better get one before your 21, legal or not.
My friend bought one this past fall, he moved to clartion(coulndt find a house cheap enought elsewere) he has it for protection,usualy it sits on the coffee table, if I can get a fucking job Ill buy one to go target shooting with a few friends.
yeah, my girlfriend has a crazy ex (err, i guess i should say had)
one of the first things im doin when i get back to PA is getting my Concealed carry permit. If it comes down to me or him, i want to be sure as shit its not me.