
Thought this article was a good read/amusing.

Epic Fail

they must be on nyspeed…lol

Normally, this sort of game would vanish into the cultural ether. But in the lulz-obsessed echo chamber of online message boards—lulz being the questionable pleasure of hurting someone’s feelings on the Web—“You fail it” became the shorthand way to gloat about any humiliation, major or minor. “It” could be anything, from getting a joke to executing a basic mental task. For example, if you told me, “Hey, I liked your article in Salon today,” I could say, “You fail it.” Convention dictates that I could also add, in parentheses, “(it being reading the titles of publications).” The phrase was soon shortened to fail—or, thanks to the caps-is-always-funnier school of Web writing, FAIL. People started pasting the word in block letters over photos of shameful screw-ups, and a meme was born.

The fail meme hit the big time this year with the May launch of Failblog, an assiduous chronicler of humiliation and a guide to the taxonomy of fail. The most basic fails—a truck getting sideswiped by an oncoming train, say, or a National Anthem singer falling down on the ice—are usually the most boring, as obvious as a clip from America’s Funniest Home Videos. Another easy laugh is the translation fail, such as the unfortunately named “Universidad de Moron.” This is the same genre of fail that spawned Engrish, an entire site devoted to poor English translations of Asian languages, not to mention the fail meme itself. A notch above those are unintentional-contradiction fails, like “seedless” sunflower seeds or a door with two signs on it: “Welcome” and “Keep Out.” Architectural fails have the added misfortune of being semipermanent, such as the handicapped ramp that leads the disabled to a set of stairs or the second-story door that opens out onto nothing. Even more embarrassing are simple information fails, like the brochure that invites students to “Study Spanish in Mexico” with photos of the Egyptian pyramids. These fails often expose deep ignorance: One woman thinks her sprinkler makes a rainbow because of toxins in the water and air.

The highest form of fail—the epic fail—involves not just catastrophic failure but hubris as well. Not just coming in second in a bike race but doing so because you fell off your bike after prematurely raising your arms in victory. Totaling your pickup not because the brakes failed but because you were trying to ride on the windshield. Not just destroying your fish tank but doing it while trying to film yourself lifting weights.

“You fail it!”

Idiots in the media…

no jay you fail it

I accidentally a fleshlight

whay is there so much suck the past few days

nyspeed is on the decline? NYSPEED BAILOUT!

you would think… or are some people working ??

well i think off topic has taken over on this forum and everything turns into a witty bitchfest. who can have the most cunning comeback to the previous n00b before them. it is quite entertaining at times.

well yea its is fun sometimes but thses fucks need to wake up sooner

if they are going to be a waste of space at least get up at 7am and sit

lol who wakes up at 7 am? if i dont have to be to school until 930, im sleeping until 815 and out the door by 830.

it should be a rule … if you ass does not have a job and live with the rents and is a waste of space you need to get up everymorning at 7am

hahaha well i have a job, live my rents and go to school. i used to be up that early when i had a full time job, now i have no reason to wake up that early, especially when i work until 12 or 1 the night before.

Keynes hypothesized that the Great Depression was caused by too many foolish novices entering the market place during the twenties, which resulted in over-inflation of stock prices. By the end of the decade the intelligent and experienced investors saw what the lower class of investors was doing to their market and got out en masse, leaving the n00bs to go down with their failboat.

Interesting parallels.

Thanks for reading and not being an idiot…

you forgot the attempt of passing the karma bill which backfired, thus requiring a revocation of the karma.


hhmph. Keynsian message boards. I never thought of them with that perspective. We even go through peaks and troughs, and there is seasonality to the bullshit-relevant info ratio.