Failvis and FPGreen...And Nicole sucking face with Johawk

i got your overpriced paperweight right here you arrogant fuckwad. YOU DONT KNOW FUCKING JACK SHIT. how about them apples? the turbo is MUCH larger than a gt28, its got a subaru flange on it with a mitsubishi center section. its a hybrid turbo SPECIFICALLY BUILT FOR A SUBARU or are you truly that fucking retarded and arrogant to think you have ALL the answers. you are a pompous ass.this turbo sells for 1500$ new. its been “rebuilt/refurbished” by adam hennessey on here to make it to “like new” condition. there is ZERO reason why this turbo shouldnt pull my asking price. so until you have something useful to contribute, keep your scenile, arrogant, dickheaded mouth out of my fucking for sale thread.