Failvis the Scumbag/Scammer returns as NVSridez

Seriously, do some peoples brains work THAT differently than others?!

Yes, its called the Failvis system of FAIL

Damnit, looks like I missed most of the fun. :frowning:

It’s always entertaining to try and get travis to resort to “come talk to me when your car is fast” or some bullshit like that.

Wow, i cant believe what i just read… complete and utter bullshit. It seems no matter how many times he is “bailed out” and helped, he turns around and cries about it. I am VERY glad that i did not give a dime to the travis fund when it was going around. Im at a loss for words here…

Ditto. Fucking ditto.

that would be this guy right here. :shifty

i almost pissed myself laughing. get a grip little guy. :rofl

I always get you two mixed up

I thought about helping him out because at the time I thought he was a decent guy but then I heard from him about how he was going to build his next car and all and I said fuck it Im not giving him anything.

and travis if you are reading this you should prolly scratch together the money for the balance of the golf clubs you bought. They been sitting in the back room for like 2 months now and after 60 days you’re still gonna get hit with the fitting fee and a 10% restocking fee. Just giving you a heads up.


Owned again! :rofl

I love you.


Lol, its the endless fail

Gallon of gas…book of matches…problem solved…

movie material, thanks dude


does this mean video 2 is coming out soon?:excited

damn… $15 a day for storage…thats a steal… last place i worked with storage the cheapest was $25 per day

I sure hope so.