Fall photos

I had a day off work so i took advantage of the fall colors and took some pictures.
I tried to take some creative pictures, so how did i do for a newb with a 300$ digital camera?


the back of those cars are so depressing.

artsy fartsy


You spent too much :finga:

i think it looks like shit go buy yourself a nikon 3800zi with a 28mm lense and a hicas,attesa rear data link and then come back and post,homo,shit!

haha,jk,looks good man i like the fall colors on the black on black spec

meh, i just tried to take some cool photos. i cant swap lenses or anything, its just an original digi cam.

i dont work at best buy, so i dont get at cost prices.

i dont work at best buy, so i dont get at cost prices.[/quote]

You didn’t even ask. Or comein to ask…

These were taken with my camera

ive had the camera for a yr or so. when i have kids, or get something worthy of a good camera, then ill get one like yours. i just need to learn how to use it haha.

and what do you mean by those were taken with your camera?
im confused… like you took a picture of the picture on the monitor?

and also ryan, how do i make everything else in the picture B&W and keep certain objects in color.


Nicest Spec I’ve seen yet! Love the blackout look.

YOUR CAR IS BLACK! How can you tell the difference? :lol: Sorry, Looks nice.

Nice pics man. Better pics than my camera takes…

lol i edited your old pics.

Some canon cameras have color priority mode which makes it possible to select curtain colors and have everything in black and white. Or if you know how to use layers in Photoshop it’s quite easy.

adobe photoshop, learn how to use it, and it’ll do wonders, can’t figure it out…then your screwed.

its ‘murder’d out’ and im totaly diggin it. did you get the spray tint for the taillights locally or did you have to get it online? i have a el cheapo black 240 i want to go with the same look, all blacked out. i got to admit im not a big fan of the specV’s but i like your car.

thanks for the compliment.

and i was at mopac recently, they had like 15 cans of the VHT Nightshade; same shit i used my for tail lights.

goodluck, and make sure you buy some clearcoat, or your tails will be all dull with just the VHT.

k so i screwed around with photoshop to try and get only my car in color. i think i did ok for my first time.


Your car is black… Always looks better with colored cars.


^that is fucking cool!