Went out for a drive today(pictures)

Out in Akron, thought it was really nice.
Attempt to take pictures with my old camera.

Also Looking to buy somsthing New, what kind of camera would be better Nikon or Canon? Give me some input on this please.




so you put ur car in a ditch and took some pictures?

you also need good editing software no always just a camera

Canon Cameras FTW

what would we do without you billy


i have access to a variety of cameras including, nikon, samsung, canon, and fuji and my favorites are nikon and samsung. canon follows close behind, but like 95LS1t said, you need editing software to clean them up. it also depends on how many megapixels your camera can handle too.

The car was in the driveway that was covered with leaves.


Well what camera Brand and Model would you suggest?
Also what Photo Software. I already have PS CS3?

oh… thanks for the clarification:banghead:


Did you take those with a cell phone camera thats 5 years old?

when buying a camera, the best thing to do is go to a walmart/best buy/ circuit city and spend some time with different models. find one that feels comfortable to you.

then find out the specs, compare and you will find the one you like.

dont look at the brand of a camera as much as its specs, they make the camera what it is.

:biglol: i was thinking the same thing

:tdown: to not tinting the center section of rear tail lights too.

I know someone hit it with a baseball bat and never got to around to tinting the center section again.


I hope you’re not serious.In the mud and weeds?

those signs are uninviting.

i hate this thread.

Um where the hell in akron is that?