Fantastic 4 is rated PG!!!!!! WTF!

Just got word of this yesterday and i’m not too thrilled about it…Hollywood is starting to piss me off! Had such high hopes for this movie

what does that mean?

Its not like they swore or showed titties in the comics anyways. I would of thought PG-13 for violence - but I don’t know many pre-teens that can fly or stretch to be able to mimick the violence that will be portrayed.

makes sense to me… there are plenty of pg movies that i like… there are even a few G movies that i like.

Not saying that mildly rated movies are bad…but in this case, i’d like to see a pg-13 rating…i think it may be a bit watered down b/c of its PG rating…Im gonna watch it regardless…i hope i’m proven wrong

They are in it for the $$$$… if it was PG-13 not as many people would be allowed to watch. i would make it PG as well if it was my movie.

All of the X-Men and Spider-man movies were PG-13. I think they made plenty of money…

Amen! besides the whole PG-13 policy is a huge gray area…we can’t card 12-13 yr olds…plus plenty of famililes have watched spiderman and xmen…seems pointless to restrict the content of this type of movie specifically

pg now is what pg-13 was 5 years ago they show alot of shit now for pg13 movies

What’s so hot about this thread that it’s in “What’s Hot?”

I’ll still go see it.

i think he was hopeing that jessica alba would be naked…and i belive i can speak for everyone when i say…me too

When i post about movies, i usually post in this section.

Saw Fantastic Four tonite. Wasn’t as bad as i thought it was gonna be (being Rated PG) and all…I do have a few issues tho. Pretty much alot of the Silver Surfer footage u see in the trailers is what u get in the actual movie…There is some cool stuff toward the end with the Silver Surfer tho. Galactus looked good. I just wish they would’ve have humanized him a little bit more (Give him a face and a voice)…similar to the “Master Machine” in Matrix Revolutions…The special effects were pretty neat and the story wasnt bad altogether. I say its worth checking out…

Saw it too. Was entertaining and the Silver Surfer was really cool, although there are some really cheesy “find the one you love” crap towards the end. And, yet again, there was company advertisements galore.

But Jessica Alba makes all the problems go away. :hitit:

ya saw it too the other day wasnt to bad