Fantasy Football

Well i’m doing my annual free fantasy football league through ESPN again. I had a couple people from last year not come back and I have two spots left I need to fill. PM me with your full name and email if your interested.

dibs… pmed you.

I’m in

is this the one that im already in?

yes, its the one your in.

Any room left j?

didnt get the email. did i not get chosen? :’(

I may have one additional spot open I had some people that had not signed up after i sent them the email. If someone is still interested as a replacement let me know.

im in wooo

how many effin times are you going to change the draft day/time?

lol. what is it now? 8 pm sunday? i think thats perfect.

We had a person bitch moan an complain a million times I eventually got sick of it and just deleted him. The 5th is the final date

one spot to fill by the end of the month