Shift Fantasy Football League 2012

Ok so I figured I would see if there is any interest this year in joining a free Fantasy Football League, if so reply or PM me with your email address and I will send out invites.

Looking to get 10 teams. I will update the list as it fills.

  1. usmc2801
  2. sketchy
  3. wheels
  4. v8lonoma
  5. v8lonoma’s friend
  6. IOM G8 GT 888

ill bite


OK good!

PM me email addresses so I can send you the invite.

Bump! Who else wants in?

woah, 8 starters? seams low.

what about making it a 6 team play off?

Im in!!!

Yeah nothing is “official” yet, I still have to make some adjustments!

I haven’t even set-up the playoff situation yet.

PM me your email!

Need 4 more! Who else wants in?

I just downloaded the app for my phone you cant do anything from it? Do i have to get my draft picks done before hand online WTF

Bump, still have 4 slots to fill!!!

no on else? draft is tonight

Sitting on waiting for draft lobby to open altough it say no date has been scheduled

I can reschedule the draft but I need to fill the league, there is 4 spots open, we can’t draft until its filled, if you guys have any friends interested let me know and send me there email addresses!

OK I have 8 slots filled, need two more.

Draft is rescheduled to Tuesday September 4th, at 8pm (day before opening kickoff).

If the last two slots are not filled by this weekend I will change it to an 8 team league. I’d rather not as it wont be as competitive with only 8 teams. So if you know anyone let me know!

Change that to 9 i just sent you another email

So whats the deal with the draft?

still short teams. only have 7 teams.

Can’t we just make one up lol