Farmville > Your baby

A 22 year-old woman from Jacksonsville, Florida has pleaded guilty to killing her baby son over a game of…Farmville.

Alexandra V. Tobias says her three-month old child, Dylan Lee Edmondson, had been crying while she was trying to play the popular Facebook casual game. This angered Tobias, who told authorities that she shook the baby, had a cigarette to calm herself down, then shook him again. It’s believed he “may have hit his head during the shaking”.

Dylan’s death was classified as second-degree murder, a charge that carries the possibility of a life sentence in prison.
Wayne would smash!

Wayne would not smash!!!

but that story is :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

Yes I am young

But strongly belive this generation should require a psyche test to legally be allowed to have a child.

Fucking cunt.

Cops would not have had a chance to get to her if that was my kid



that story is horrible, but we all know wayne would smash, no questions asked

and wtf the fuck?! 2nd degree? she shook a kid to death. and she possibly gets the death penalty?

I’d smash her. With a 2 x 4.

I really think i should interrupt this bitches airway.

stink a knife threw her windpipe slow

i would like to murder her please. kthnxbai

:rofl :rofl It’s a shame everyone on facebook will probably hate my quote. LOL

I’d probably nut first than kill her.

I would definetly smash…

…with my truck and plow

:rofl:rofl l.o.l.ed when i saw him post that

she needs to be put down. no life sentense, its gonna cost taxpayers WAY too much money, also this

Yup. You can’t even make this shit up anymore.


i know, right? its like you have to make people to obtain a license to procreate now.

I’d nut well i was killing her