Farmville Is a Serious Game!

A 22 year-old woman from Jacksonsville, Florida has pleaded guilty to killing her baby son over a game of…Farmville.

Alexandra V. Tobias says her three-month old child, Dylan Lee Edmondson, had been crying while she was trying to play the popular Facebook casual game. This angered Tobias, who told authorities that she shook the baby, had a cigarette to calm herself down, then shook him again. It’s believed he “may have hit his head during the shaking”.

Dylan’s death was classified as second-degree murder, a charge that carries the possibility of a life sentence in prison.

Jacksonville mom who shook baby for interrupting computer game pleads to murder [Florida Times-Union]

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Farmville is a footnote in the story. I hate the way it’s sensationalized for headlines.

Think they allow farmville in jail?

someone is definitely going to harvest her crops…


im glad i dont have a facebook

How did I know this was going to be Florida?

On another note, Zynga which is the company who created farmville, is already worth more than Electronic Arts.

that’s incredible eh?

The guys that made angry birds got sold to EA for $20M…

also… would smash

She looks like she has Down Syndrome

well, she DID just get thrown in jail for murdering her own child…did you expect her to put on her best smile?