Farrah Fawcett dies at 62

Not sure in anyone is interested


butt sex… she did it …look what it did

^ haha… wow.

:winkyface: I had to

she was sexy

would do(35 years ago)



is it bad that i lol’d at anal cancer?

not at all

butt secks

Oh my gosh. I was just reading in the paper the other day about how she was going to marry her long time friend. And that she knew she didn’t have a lot of time left. But I didn’t think it would be this soon!

God I love buttsex…

giving buttsex that is…

to girls obv


I did the same thing. I felt bad for half a second then I didn’t feel bad anymore.


nice link, those nips look like a bottle nipple haha

is anal cancer like a classy word play for aids?

Guys, she died… show some respect.

Them guys def. got her done.

No shit. Someone died of cancer and people make jokes? :meh:

I have a close friend battling acute leukemia right now and I’ve watched 3 family members suffer and die of cancer, so I don’t think jokes about it are real funny.