Cancer sucks

I usually don’t do this, but this one hits really close to home. A lifelong friend of mine’s brother has been diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. His story is below in this link. If anyone would like to help, I know that he and the family would be very grateful.

Sorry to hear. I know this all too well and am actually waiting at the hospital as we speak for a cat scan on a lump i have in my neck…thoughts and prayers

Fucking cancer can fuck off. Sorry to hear about your friend.

Thanks guys and good luck to you walt…

It is bullshit. You can lead a perfectly
Healthy life and still get it. My dad died at 50 from it… If i make it to 50 I’d be ecstatic. My kids would be 32 and 29 lol

Lost my mother when I was ten, and aunt five years ago to cancer. My ex’s son has NHL also, he was only 19 when they found the lump on his chest. He has handled treatment well though and is doing great now. Research and medication have come a long way. I wish your friend a speedy recovery, I know how much spending time in hospitals sucks.

my aunt and uncle both have Lymphoma and my grandmother passed away from it when I was 3.

My aunt was given 4 months to live when she was diagnosed. She was stage 4. That was 2 years ago. At this moment, she is cancer free.

it sucks but it can be beat.

Yeah Cancer is a tough one. Lost my Mother when I was 4. Lost my best friend a few years ago to Small Cell Carcinoma. He noticed cold like coughing symptoms in March, was dead the following January.
I also know quite a few cancer survivors…Keep your chin up and we will all hope for the best!

I am sorry about your friend.

I lost a co-worker to cancer when she was in her early 40’s. Not long after she got married, she was diagnosed with it. Her death hit me the hardest, cause It made me realized you not only have limited time in this world but it can be cut shorter at any given moment.

It’s horrible, thats why if you have any issues dont brush them off. Get checked out ASAP. Alot of cancers are beatable especially If found early…

weird my dads doctor said he had this too. he told him chemo and radiation was best… it wasnt my dad died at age of 50. few days after his b day. it was his 2nd injection of the chemo. he died that night.

where they injected it his body turned black. he couldnt see correct, his balance was off, that stuff did not do his body good.

cancer is some weird shit. but your human body can fend it off better without having nuclear chemicals injected into your body. or atleast i think this. i am no doctor nor do i want to experiment on you. just remeber doctors can kill. i feel like the natural approach is best.

ooo ya i lost my uncle to the same cancer cure called chemo.

also i think i should add this. in america if your diagonised by a doc and he says you have cancer. you only have a few options. go with the treatment or get called crazy by same doc and get foreced into it.

if you have a kid that was diagoniced with cancer and the doc wants to do chemo if you say no the state will take your kid. if they feel like they should

Children herded like cattle into Maryland courthouse for forced vaccinations as armed police and attack dogs stand guard

I am sorry to hear you guys. Yota & Walt best wishes for you guys and your friend.

Thanks everyone.

I hear ya bud, cancer is a mother fucker. Lost my father at 22 from it, and ultimately lost my mother from it last December. Great friend of mine was diagnosed with NHL stage 2 last year at this time and has had a really hard time. It is truly a motherfucker

Damnit. Cancer can go right to fucking hell. I truly wish the best and speediest recovery. My aunt just passed away from brain cancer this thanksgiving.

Thanks again guys.