Fast/Quick Honda Guys, Pull up a chair

lets crash it with our pants off and run around hammered laughing like crazy clowns

can body painting and rediculous hats be involved too? If so i am in

well its nice to see that there are more and more guys buying a building hondas, here is my new call out list of honda guys:


My car will be done at the end of May, so you have 8 weeks to get ready ladies!

yea, well see if you get it done…and then maybe ill think about putting my car together. /smile/

My car will be on the road within the next week or so, I gotta order the header, possibly cams and get tuned but I’ll be out n about soon enough :tup:

alright, u need to calm down!!! number one, ive own a honda for the past 5 yrs fucking around with them/building them, etc…and i dont kno when my boost setup will be done, cause im just lookin to enjoy this car for this summer, but i might pull through mid summer, and im pretty sure ure car isnt gonna be done that soon… but im more then gladly to run u, and its gonna be from a DIG!

sounds good, the new LSD tranny will be great from a dig, and the car will be done by end of may. :rx3:

i think you need to do a little less calling out and alot more wrenching. 19 pages of bs and your car has virtually no progress.


edit<----well mickdad would be pointless andy considering its a b16 swap, i mean cmon, unless he turbos why would u race him.

coool i got LSD too…and other things… haha

are you serious? I will have the motor pulled and ready to have the new internals put in by tomorrow. It will take, layzie, bigtymer and I less then an hour to pull the motor

edit, i love all the ass clowns that come into these posts and say dumbshit when they have virtually no clue what they are talking about and I like to call people out so we have something to look forward to, mindless and I talk thru pms about racing at the track this year. I cant wait to get the del sol done!

del sol VS del sol:wiggle:

I already know what you have under your hood, and let me say this, I know my car isnt going to touch yours, you will have a nice del sol when your done

andys just excited bout the season guys, you would all be lieing if you said you werent either, hes just more verbal about it. i was at mickdads house earlier lowering…well trying to lower his car lol and just being able to do SOMETHING to a vehicle made me excited for the season.

You mean you and kev will be pulling the motor and bert will be running to mcdonalds and timmy ho’s right? :hay:

oooo shnap

its good to see lots of hondas rollin around again this year :tup:


I want to ply too :tspry:
