Fast/Quick Honda Guys, Pull up a chair

this is what i was told by everyone there, there was two pulls, the first one kev took bill by about 3 cars and they shut down, the second run kev started in a higher gear to see how bill would do, they took off bill got the jump for a sec then kev pulled him but bill stayed at his bumper

uhh i already beat him. why are you putting money on something when i dont have a car anymore. are you that dumb? i could careless what the fuck you have your money on i got rid of that honda junk. fuck hondas!

and speaking of sack riders


thats what happend!.. bill ur car is fast but not as fast as kevs sry to say if u guys really raced last year instead of doin lil pulls on a cruise he could have ran on 30psi with race gas while u were still stuck on ur 17psi evens tune…
650hp>417hp but anyway…

use your head. i dont even like kevina nd i know he would rapezorz bill. its common sense

exactly, and as far as from a dig goes, at lancster we wer all havin traction problems, but while most of us honda guys were trappin in the 80’s, including bill, kevin trapped at 96mph, thats fuckin fast.

bill hasn’t trapped in the 80’s since he was na :lol: he also went 99 in the 1/8 mile…

no he didnt, not lasst season at least, i was there and saw his slip, kevin trapped 96 and he had the fastest trap of all of us

last season (07) his fastest trap at lancaster was 98, his fastest 1/8 mile mph at nyi was 99.

nyi is a much much better track than lancaster, u also have to remember what wouldve happened if kevin would have had 265 slicks as well instead of 225’s

They were both slow


you wouldn’t know which track’s better. if he would have had slicks? who cares, he didn’t. And when they ran from a roll bill was on street tires and kevin was on DR’s IIRC

when kev was making 450 runnning bill.not 649

really i wouldnt? Even though ive been there and ran there 4 times? ya i have no idea. dont say i dont know about the track when u have no idea whether or not ive been there. And what do u mean who cares? ya kuz tires mean nothing

Who cares who trapped higher, first to the finish wins regardless. Drag racing is all about having the car set up right. I rather see a car run a low E.T. and with a low mph, cause then you know that car is set up right. Sometimes more HP with give you a shittier E.T. and higher mph, I’ve seen it to often. Set the car up for the HP, don’t let the HP overpower the car.

very good point, im just saying stacking the cars up side by side, even on the pump gas tune kevins car is gonna be faster

did bill and sario ever race?

ill race bill on the gate this year assuming i still have the car. that should be a pretty good gauge. kev’s car was no joke


They didn’t.

You’ve been to NYI? so you’ve gone to the track 4 times, congrats :lol: that doesn’t mean shit.

I’ve got wellllll over 150 passes between my vehicles at NYI… ask anybody who watches me run the bikes lol… poor bikes…

I like nyi… but its basically all i know around here… no point in running 1/8 on the bike, its not fun

Ok first off this is what happened Danno was with me and he can confirm the race between me and kev. First off we had no horns so kev got the start i went after on both of the races first was a 2nd gear which he pulled no doubt but he left first i was kind of snoozing so w/e. Second race we were both in 3rd he went first i followed and my bumper was at the back of his door so if you really consider that pulling me go ahead.

And as far as the track the only time i was trapping 80s with my turbo set up was when i shut down half track i ran 97s at lancaster and a 99 at nyi after almost hitting the wall so im sure i could crack 100s.

And bla bla bla about kev could have if he did this did that had this had that well he didnt so i could care less.

Kev remember how you were so mad that mike at innovative said ud never run 9s well guess what he was right he new it we all new that it would never happen sorry. Should have tried to crank out a good pass instead of living off your dyno numbers.

Hate if you want i could care less along with all these kids that talk shit, do something that you can be proud of before you run your mouth.

Roll racing is gay sry it is yay lets have a 80mph burn out contest great or we could see who knows how to set up and drive a car and actually use 1st 2nd 3rd 4th all the gears are there for a reason.