Fast/Quick Honda Guys, Pull up a chair


street racing is COOL to mess around and have fun… but if you wanna say who has the faster car i want to see time slips. Doesn’t matter who goes first, who shut down early, who wasn’t ready. Run your car to the best of your ability at the track as many times you want and the time that slip says IS WHAT YOUR CAR CAN RUN no if’s and’s or buts about it.

I know I don’t belong in this thread because I don’t have a honda…

But I believe what you said is 100% true.
Shoulda woulda coulda’s are bs, dyno queen cars are bs, and street racing is BS.

track times are the only thing that truely show driver skill and car performance. anything else is just gay.

You’ve been to NYI? so you’ve gone to the track 4 times, congrats :lol: that doesn’t mean shit.[/quote]

and im kinda wondering what makes u an expert? The fact that the starting pit doesnt feel like im driving in downtown buffalo like lancaster does makes it 100x better right there.

never said i was an expert, just have a hell of a lot more experience than you do.

o rly? it doesnt take really ne experience to know that the conditions at lancaster suck and nyi is deffinitly a better track and if kevin was to race there he deffinitly wouldve trapped at least 4 or 5 mph higher than he did at lancaster

LOL OMG YOU SUCK DUDE WOW you have no clue what it even takes to get another 5mph out of a car

lol you don’t know shit about shit. you will not gain that much mph going from lancaster to nyi if any…unless there’s a HUGE difference in DA…and even then I wouldn’t say you’d gain that much.

thats kinda funny that you say that. Slip on the left is bill getting a 1.683 60 foot at NYI and on the right is him going 1.691 at lancaster. So yea that extra .008 seconds that he lost at Lancaster is DEFINITELY a good 5 MPH… :bloated:

so once you’re done :suckoff: kevin get back to the real world

<—97_B18b1, if you look at my posts i never suck anyones dick on this forum, im stating simple facts tat kevins car is faster, lancaster conditions suck neone who disagrees with me is a fuckin retard. Me saying kevin is faster than bill is nothing compared to some of the cock sucking that goes on on this site.

^^^ umm ok what makes kevs car faster then mine fill me in. The car with the most power doesnt always make it automatically faster anyone who thinks that is a dipshit. Also Lancaster sucks ur right cuz i cut the same 60s at both tracks but what would i know i only have more passes then anyone with a fwd on this site.

<—97_B18b1 U said it urself, 2nd gear race he pulled u, the car is faster, if he was running the same tires as you in a quarter he would win. You honestly think if he had 265’s in a quarter mile heads up against you with the setups you both had last season, you would win?

YES. Just shut up you have no fucking clue what you are talking about. He pulled he also left first you dumb fuck so shut up. How can u say kev was faster then me when i have about 70 time slips that are faster then hes ever ran, I have it in writing you have hear say.



YOU FUCKING SUCK end of story

When you can personally run a better time then me then talk until then get off other ppls nuts

Have you run a 10 second pass yet?
Just curious.

I only made 1 pass on slicks but 11.1 is my best but im 100% sure i can crank out a mid 10sec. On my 11.1 run i almost hit the wall coming out of the hole so that didn’t help much lol.

That’s extremely impressive, although I’ve heard about your driving skills many times. What were you boosting at if you don’t mind me asking.

I’ll be running the same turbo on my bmw this summer.

16psi it was super cold so i think a little nicer weather alone would put me in 10s i was honestly pretty disappointed with the 11.1 cuz i new i could crank out a 10 sec pass.

I hope to go mid 11’s this year, but I guess we’ll see.

Hopefully see you out at the track this summer!