I'm back.....

well, i just bought my old civic back as a wedding present to myself.:tup: She needs a little TLC but hopefully she will be back and better then ever soon. For those of you that dont know what kind of civic, its a N/A 2.0liter with 226whp,155wtq. I ran consistant 8.0’s with consistantly horrible 60fts. at 1/8mi. Well, look for it to be faster then before when its back on the road now that I no longer have wedding expenses.:slight_smile:

hahah nice :tup:


good for you, hope you got a sweet deal on it

will it be making it to the track this year!?

really depends on the progress. I dont have any tires to race on. only streets but who knows. I havent started working on it yet.

damnit more honda’s in west nukka :cry:

jk man, im sure it will be badass once again

edit: shrives

i heard it runs 11’s and actually makes 250whp…



i also need fenders, soo lemme know watcha got. Keep in mind im not lookin to spend alot. Im not trying to polish up a terd.

/\ i lol’ed at that gl man :tup:

good. there is nothing better than a rusty honda beating up on fbods.

BS…you can’t buy shit on derrick’s pay and hours…

You have a 30th?

:tup: glad to see this back in your hands. Now go get some 11 sec NA Slips

so your going to sit here and tell me your john donovan, and you cant get a honda started?? hahaha

why isnt turbocivs civ turbo? :gotme:

:stuck_out_tongue: congrats

all i can say is im glad he has it back theres no one on here that deserves it more!!! and its fucking fast!!! did you go get it already???

yes its already in my possession.

your luckey before someone fucked it up