Fastest import/domestic street cars on NYSpeed this year?

Bah, never a domestiport category. :frowning:

I just put you on there to be nice :gotme:

see how foxylady had to add himselfā€¦ just to be nice.


:tup: :kiss:

u will prolly sell it

you can take my spot on that list since all my plans for this year have gone to shit

Por que?


From you thoughā€¦ :lol:

I see where youā€™re coming from.

Wow most of the people on that list donā€™t really go to the racetrack, potential is there like you say, but what really happens is excuses and it becomes a horsepower war. ā€œI make more power than you on the dyno so by default Iā€™m fasterā€ It really isnā€™t a question of who runā€™s 10ā€™s, but who gets pulled from a roll? You may run 10ā€™s, but the guy who runā€™s high 11ā€™s is faster because he pulls you from a roll.

:lol: :tup:

:tup: :tup:

:lol: well put

Word :tup: I figure Im gonna go dyno on the big shot that way I can sit at home all year and say im fastest because of my inflated dyno numbers without actually running my car. :tup:

figures, i know id be pissed putting down huge numbers and get beat by a car with half the power

lol good old chode still living in dreamland :lol: Oh wait i forgot your a gayth mile racer 4 L :bloated:

Give me a call when you get a decent trap kthxbye :smiley:

Dont take out your anger on me just cause mike ran on motor what your mad leet 351 setup needed to spray just to get close to :flamer: :biglaugh:

In case you forgot,

new cobra droptop hotness with all the goodies and the speed > gutted out honda stylez gay POS 5.0 with 5 gallon bucket for a driver seat for weight reduction so i can get in tha 10s wheels up y0!!!1!!!1!!!



there u go sucking off mike again.:lol:
decent trap, look here fag boiii

see whos got trap and who doesnt, and more importantly who not even on there.

if u wanna race dyno numbers or how many tens of thousands u spent on ur car, im not ur guy, :gay: , but if ur looking for a race. u already know what i have - keep up or shut up. :kiss:

ā€œtop down chrome spinninā€ whats next a rainbow window banner??

Only one ten second car on that list, im sure thats gunna change this year .

I have a feeling there will be at least one viper in the low 10ā€™s or even 9ā€™s this summer if they actually make it to the trackā€¦maybe 2ā€¦unfortunately I will not be one of them

ummmā€¦that would make him faster wouldnā€™t it? Just not quickerā€¦I mean, if you want to get technical