Fate of Apexi

SO as a few of you know Apexi if 100% out of business…

Here’s what happened…

APexi made a part for Diesel to reduce emissions on the exhaust side… anyway this ‘system’ was obviously not tested properly and it burned up a few vehicles… now normally thier would be a law suit and some ins money changing hands and then back to the drawing board with it…

not so in this case… the buses and trucks that some of these devices happen to be on were owned by the Yakuza… They demanded ALLOT… a hell of ALLOT of money from Apexi and unlike the image of the Yakuza in F&F3… they are no where near as nice and happy-feelie as they are made out to be…

the end result is … Apexi = out of business…

i had heard a few other things:


Very interesting. When I was at TAS this year I spoke to some industry folk about APEXi and they said the company was still going to be around but not making much anymore. Apparently they are switching into the electronics sector of some market (non-automotive).

I doubt APEXi USA will close their doors. They are an importer of APEXi products and other brands and I dont see them closing doors rather restructuring their business to carry other brands.

yah ummm, source??

just like BBS going out of bussiness , i was at a seminar on saturday and the guest speaker for BBs wheels was there , he assured us that only the german division has filed for bankruptcy protection, and that the us and other parts of the world is just fine, and bbs wheels will continue to be made and sold.

I was also talking to a rep from apex’i a few weeks back nad they were tlaking about a whole bunch of new products they are coming out with , no mention of them being bankrupt. these are multinational corporations , that have a huge market base. It makes no sence to run away with money or strongarm a succeful company into loss , especially if there are turning a profit , its jsut bad bussiness sence , ive learned in this industry u cannot belive what u hear unless it is from the company itself… unless its some kind of tactic used by like trust or hks… http://www.apexi-usa.com/news_special.asp?id=7, kinda weird to release a new product linup 3 days ago when ur going out of bussiness. but this rumor has been spreading for a week


apexi usa is still in business, it is the japanease apexera that is going out of business

Apexera makes the parts that APEX’i sells. So regardless of how in business they stay, they don’t have manufacturing rights, so the product line will dry up.

They’re now selling GIZZMO products, an aussie brand.

The APEX USA guys are obviously not going to play up how out of business their parent company is.

These Yakuza rumors have circulated for years about every Japanese company I can think of. It’s been HKS one year, Big Boss sold the company under pressure to the mob, no one was willing to work for the gangsters. Owner took off with the money. Then it was Apex, or C-West, or any other JDM brand, someone borrowed money from the Yakuza, and wasn’t offered a chance to street race down a gravel quarry for the rights to keep on keepin’ on. I get this crap all the time from actual reps who tell me they’ve “heard it from Japan”. It seems like the first reported JDM urban legend.

Truth be told, Japan is years ahead of North America. Their tuner boom ended a while ago, and as any other company would, they’ve diversified where the real money is - heavy industry.

If the Apexi rumor was to be believed, that would mean Apexera would have to have been the dumbest business owners in the world to attempt a new direction, without creating a separate, and protected venture underneath them, like they have done with every other brand they’ve produced.

It would work like this … Apexera wants to try diesel systems … they create a sub company called DIESEL’i that operates under the Apexera name. If that company gets into trouble, they shut it down, declare insolvency and avoid any financial repercussions.
Get the Yakuza thoughts out of your head. Even if they are involved, modern organized crime is not going to do bad business. The best assets they can have are legitimate ones. That’s why the mob buys so many businesses. It would make no sense to make Apexera owe the mob tons of money. They stand to make no money. The mob, like any other mob, knows the best way to make money is the legitimate route.

The corporate world is really no different from the mob.

This information came right from my friend in Fukuoka who is a buyer for a large performance warehouse over there, he’s been to the offices of Apexi, the place was dead empty minus a few tech service people on the phones.

For some reason… I’ll be taking his word for what happened over the ‘damage control’ version the public gets…

The Future of APEX

Since 1992, A’PEX Co., Ltd. has produced the most innovative and complete lineup of performance goods for the automotive aftermarket with products such as the PowerFC, N1 Muffler, N1 Damper, S-AFC, Power Intake, and Isamu RX6 kits. Since opening our doors, A’PEX has secured several world-records and championships in various forms of motorsports from Drag Racing to JGTC. Our mission has always been to be highest in quality.

Our mission has not changed. Although our company name changed in 2005 from A’PEX Co., Ltd. to Apexera Co., Ltd., we are the same company with the same goals of being highest in quality. And while Apexera enters a stage of reorganization this year, we will continue to manufacture the high-quality A’PEXi products that you demand. It is forward thinking and a passion for “chasing our dreams” that has built such a powerhouse of performance for A’PEXi and that will not change; its business as usual for our team.

We look forward to the benefits this reorganization will bring to Apexera, A’PEXi products and our loyal customers; we want to ensure you that we will continue to develop with market demands and technology so you too can chase your dreams.

Sincerely yours,
Sean Holloway / GM
Apex Integration Inc.

Pulled off APEXi usa site


Which is even funnier

That’s almost 100% the old press release from almost 3 years ago when the parent company went from APEX’i to Apexera, and they announced they would start making parts for heavy industry.

Apexi USA has never been Apexera.

I’m not surprised the “Apexi” offices were empty in Japan. I’m not disputing that APEX’i, the company that makes fun stuff for cars, no longer exists.

But that’s been almost 3 years in the making. Both Apexera and HKS announced they were leaving the automotive aftermarket a long time ago.

That doesn’t corroborate the same “The Yakuza Got 'em!” story that circulates every time a Japanese company goes out of business.

It’s like saying the Nazis got BBS.

^^^ its not too far fetched. The Yakuza, especially the lower ranking members have tenticles stretched deep into the auto industry over there. I know I have seen it first hand, guys we were hanging with were thought we just wankstas driving VIP Benzes well turns out when it was revealed later they were Yakuza. SUper nice Yakuza but still. And it makes sense because the highly modified car culture is something only young punks (and white guys) participate in, if you grow old and are still into it you are considered an outlaw. Its like here, if you run a chopper shop, chances are you know, or are affiliated with a gang.

In Japan, you may modify your Legacy commuter but very lightly if you are normal citizen.

The part of about the companies divesting into other stuff is very true. So if bankruptcy and the Yakuza don’t get these companies the trends and competition from China will.

When I went to the HKS componund they were making all kinds of parts for snowmobiles, motorbikes and small aircraft.

Tuning is dying over there fast.

really crazy that companies like this cant adapt the way other multi-national companies have.

you dont see SONY, or Nike, Toyota, or other major brands getting bucked over because of China, they use it, embrace it even, and adapt. Seems the big boys in this industry are just getting mad, getting in late and then doing it wrong.

i wrote 7000 words on the subject out of boredom over the holidays and posted n ZT for discussion… Just blatant mistakes are being made from marketing and over all business perspectives.

ZT? can you link it? i’m in for a read. i’m doing nothing right now.

lol. yeeee ol’ pirates tale

it’s a private forum. i embellished a little, it was more like 5000 words spread over a few rants. I’m really not interested in hearing certain uneducated retorts so i dont want to cross post. i meant to say i find it very interesting.

ZT is www.ziptied.com
It’s super secret so shhh!