Fathers day: what did you do thread

Post what you got your father, and or activitys ect.

So far I bought him an engine for his truck, took him to lunch.
Was having a good day until the misses started her daily bullshit

More later.

my gf and i are going to my parents house to drink gin and sit in their hot tub, then we’re going to cook some steaks

should be a good day

got him a nice card. chilled with him last night. played cards with him and his buddies.

plus hes gonna be my best man and im telling him 2day

Both my father and father-in-law have passed away so no nothing here except waiting for my Cobra to arrive.

i refused to pay child support…again…

I’m cleaning his truck, and helping him with some of his house projects (cabinetry and mudding today).

That’s what he really wanted.

EDIT_ On ‘lunch break’ right now. lol.

my dad stopped talking to me afteri got my bike



i worked. and i gave him a card…it played music.

took him to aj’s and spun his ass out. then went to teds for some dogs and burgers

helped him rice out the stang

had my dad over for a while to chill after he spent the weekend with my bro in raleigh… they get along now, which is probably the best thing he could have gotten from anyone. it’s been a while.

called my grandpa, sent him & my grandma carmike movie gift cert’s, they go all the time. it was a good day :slight_smile:

My sister and her husband just had another baby, so we all hung out at her house. Mostly just ate a lot. Then they got tired, so i went out and logged about 200 miles on my bike…perfect weather.

I got a card that my son made in school and a shirt from the other one…not a dam thing from the wife :gotme: .My dad and I stoped with gifts once i had kids.

I autocrossed. And then called my dad afterwards. (we’re not super close, so this was sufficient for our relationship)

parents live in costa rica. Wished him a happy fathers day…talked for a bit. Prob take him out to eat next month when he is here for a few days.

Biked all over, and to the art fest, and all over.

oh. not with my father. with another family. my family isn’t exactly solid…

called him on the phone to say hi, i’ll ship him a gift sometime this week

Woke up at some chicks house I met that night

Went home and worked on the motorcycle

Had a garbage plate

Put a new exhaust on the car

Made beer (IPA)

Had a friend over

Rode her, then the bike

Had sushi at the beach

Went to see a broadway show with some other chick

Came home and played Mario Cart Wii
