Favorite Combos Flavor. Go.

micahjweber: i wish i had my own country
id called it
me: no hyphen?
micahjweber: none
me: ideal
good setup
micahjweber: flag would be a bag of combos
me: flavor?
youd better say cheddar cheese cracker…
micahjweber: a real bag with combos inside
pizza flavor
me: i think i need to make a thread
favorite combo flavor
micahjweber: yea def pointless but shall cure boredom
me: okay here I go
micahjweber: off we go

Pizzeria Cracker

nacho cracker 4 lyfe dawg

pizzeria pretzel FTW

ugh, I hate combos


“HELLO! COMBOS… they cheese your hunger away!”

I <3 Combos!


Wow. I don’t think I’ve had a combo in years. Now I want them. Sign me up for a bag of nacho-pretzels.

Nacho pretzels are the best but for awhile they had this salsa flavor that came in a green and white bag that was pretty good.

There is a salsa-type one. It has a tortilla “shell”.

Best by FAR.

pizzeria pretzel. delicious.

I went nacho cheese pretzel.

Pizza Pretzel.

Ask Willybeen, these were the bomb on the way down to FL

Cheddar cheese cracker. My son and I usually eat a bag of these every couple weeks.

Btw, where do you find the cheeseburger flavored combos?

x2 (minus the son thing)

This needs more votes.

Cheddar Cheese Pretzel FTW

i def saw some hotsauce/bluecheese chicken wing flavor the other day looks incredible