Favourite 240?

fuck ya!! that’s a really good example, totally forgot about that combo too! :cool:

Honestly that’s the worst combination… but to each his own.

While we’re on the topic of random fronts this is really sexy:

Honestly it all depends on how it’s pulled off whichever front/base chassis… but my fav is the popups s13 and s15 front ends/chassis all together…

that is hot…if only the hood was the same colour as the rest of the car.

Yea I forget which company makes those (japan only obviously) but they tried to imitate a ferrari front end.

^^^ masa

you cannot say thats not a sexy car besides all the useless canards

or this one “sorry i don`t know how to post google pics”

^That is ugly as sin

Had to post these, just because of the rear diffuser.


I say s13.4 convertible [the falken 1], i’d post a pic if i could

holy fuck, that trust 240 ^^ is the nicest pic posted yet. nice rear bumper too

Since we’re not allowed to nominate our own cars… (ghey)

Can’t chose one car, but here are my absolute favorites:

And one of my all-time fave cars, Ed’s (AppleSauce’s) car:

That pignose looks sick ^^^

The ones in my sig? Oh, thanks :wink:

my favorite:

you probably have all seen these 8) cant get enough of them

i’m in love with the IMSA style widebody



its a shame wheels are ugly though.


damn wtf… ugly wheels

I Just Jizzed My Pants!!!