Favourite 240?

done and done.

This car is killing it…HOTTTTNESSSS

my favourite is Broadfeild(Nico Member). White coupe with silvis brick lights. If i get a different car that is what i would get.

Link to a complete album of his car:

Baller, i have to agree that looks legit.

where is just plain s13 pignose?

s14.5 exactly like this


ballin sil80

if it’s pignose, my personal favorite colour is white w/ black nostrils!!:cool:

this was my car back in spring of 08’

I like parts cars that I can grab parts from. They are good cars.


lol is that two turbos? on the wrong side?

^^hahah yeah worst photoshop ever

lol is that two turbos? on the wrong side?[/QUOTE]

hahha i knew someone wud fall for it…btw i didnt do that

best is mine. just like vlad says.

s13.4 all the way!

guess this thread proves HATCH > COUPE!! lol