Fawk Versus

Why are they so close to the ice I can’t see shit! :banghead:

announcers blow too

+1 I noticed that also.

are they fucking kidding with that ice level angle on the shootout?

yea no kidding

Might as well have put that camera right up Kotalik’s ass. We would have seen just as much of that shootout goal.


just awful

Versus is one of the main reasons the NHL isn’t gaining the necessary ratings that it should/could. I’m pretty sure my nephews could call the game better… and they’re 1, 2 and 4.


man it almost felt like that game was rigged for ratings… just like that Ice bowl. :frowning:

Thought I was the only one, I was so pissed at that shitty ass angle, I thought my tv was on Zoom or something.