FBI: in Squirrel Hill

FBI: Packages, Letters Sent To City Synagogues Harmless???
so i went to work this morn. and rumor has it, that PNC bank was robbed this morning by gunpoint. I didn’t hear much details, but somehow is related to this synagoue…? everyone was talking about it, and even said, there’s still hostages in the bank, waiting to be questioned by feds. apparently the robbers got away, not sure how much or wtf the situation really is- or if it’s even true. but the FBI were def. in squirell hill, prob. responding to the story below. not sure what’s going on? o well i guess



Damn Jews.

pnc was robbed yesterday from what i hear… they should just exterminate all the churchs and religious crap around sq hill… it’d clean up the area :kekegay:



Each packages contained hundreds of CD-Roms. The contents on the CDs were Jewish teachings in Hebrew.

No injuries were reported.

I should really hope nobody was injured by a bunch of CD-ROMS

Mel Gibson was right :dunno:


mel gibson is fucking gay
