FBI agents computer was hacked using the known Java exploit. They found a spreadsheet with 12 million iPhone device IDs, names, addresses, etc.
The full LULZ release is here. They posted 1,000,001 UDIDs which is a unique identifier for every iPhone. No one has discovered why these devices made it into an FBI list.
Even if you’re clean on that list you still have 11 million records out there you can’t search through.
How much damage can they cause with the info leaked?
If this conversation would have taken place 4 years ago it would have been tinfoil crucifix. However it seems more and more these days that things like this are coming to light with the help of people like hackers. What’s most disturbing is how easy these things blow over now, as if it should just be accepted.
b6aedea56b8bd8cd1e65c0f460d8’,‘Steve Jobs’,‘iPad’
‘dacec2519d0ed983be541822b6dfa3c409bd1b7e’,‘4b039df512728449129e9d29a4388f64bd00173fe9b4dd9e7c9695678165e9dc’,‘Steve Jobs’,‘iPad’
‘1042eb598e0eb4d54f8c9825360706e8b5030f2e’,‘94b87d0f52217a81d2e75aca029b245d2164bfbefca32b61e49015ac6e89c206’,‘Steve Jobs’,‘iPhone’
‘88109fe7e0eff49fa5ac8cbc435d334cc9bb8037’,‘78918f4884e1a9552699f980128384929af6f1872e7e64f47a7872aa4125a844’,‘Steve Siri Jobs’,‘iPhone’
‘35654b1e6fa17498c2d88a95f5dde6d0b6fd0e78’,‘e34eb6d85261354458408b90a0869759433d5d3f92563110f84e799733ad874e’,‘Thank you, Steve Jobs 1955-2011’