Fear the rep thugs.

Nothing surprises me on here anymore. The battlefield clearly states little to moderationg and threads are getting locked and posts deleted. Clearly the person whose locking threads and deleting posts is retarded and can’t comprehend little to no moderation. Whomever that may be. Also the rules of the forum include being banned for use of vulgarity. Seems like the new guy was the first to use vulgarity , although 2 wrongs don’t make a right and other people should have been banned.

Silveradoman, nobody is going to take you seriously when using that kind of grammar and language. Please enroll in a 100-level English course and learn how to write properly. Thank you.

Wrong, no one will take me seriously untill in own a honda and can hook on the street bc sleds don’t count even though my 10second slip looks just the same as everyone else.

Sleds don’t count because they aren’t a street vehicle… most people don’t even count bikes. Car vs sled and car vs bike is just lame. Buy us all sleds, or build a fast car.

Define street vehicle. Racecar with dealer plates orr???

Something you can drive to work, or the bank… something you can take a cruise with…

It doesn’t matter what you drive. However, perhaps during the next snowstorm you’ll get to prove them all wrong. CockSUCKERS!


Silveradoman your real close to the banstick if u keep downing us mods . Just like skidmark got told , don’t like it go elsewhere ! Your halfway out the door on s.f anyway and yes your sled is even a joke at the other lot as well .

Point taken…a sled isn’t a street vehicle. So I guess 10s only count if you can do it on the streets, how many fast cars run the same #s on the street?

You’re officially acting like a dope because you’re upset that no one gives a shit about your sled. If you want the attention build something else.

Find a tug hill forum and rage over there.


Who gives a fuck, honestly? It’s a God damned forum, and people get their panties all up in a bunch over getting neg repped and what not. Silveradoman over here has something up his ass, thinking I practically seek him out to neg him and what not, then gets mad when I defend myself over his pointless and incorrect arguments.

He is a retard plain and simple

hasnt this been discussed already? …a sled? u honestly cant understand why your SNOWMOBILE doesn’t compare to a CAR? when your sled can legally drive around on the street with an inspection, registration, and road worthy plates then you have an argument. but until that happens and hell freezes over (assuming it would happen on the same day) then you should stop trying to compare the two. i honestly dont even know why this is an argument. lol.

Fashionably late?

BUT…its entertaining as hell!

At this moment in time i’d like to officially challenge everybody with my 9 sec hovercraft.

:rofl Hovercrafts are cool as fuck and can go across all sorts of terrain. Can’t even compare THAT to a SNOWmobile that doesn’t go across SNOW.

lol better late than never

Certainsurfacesandextremelylimitedterrianmobile ftw! i hear they are just like cars