Post your rep

pretty simple, you all should be able to figure this out

Do you jerk off to this?

way to start a thread about posting your rep and you dont even do it. FAIL


nope. just figured it’d be funny

posted mine, idk what you’re lookin at breh


lol really?

corey im gonna neg you for not abiding to the rules posted in this forum thread by kramer


I took a screenshot, uploaded it to photobucket and posted it in the OP, shows up on my laptop and my iPhone, idk what the problem is haha

yeah idk, i see it on my phone, laptop and ipod corEy

Works here!

hmmm. yea idk why its not showing up on mine then. my bad kramer. i’ll rep you back later

I see it too. I also see

I do not neg rep. And James Bond OWNS Austin Powers

ninety1two40 - eat shit ni99er.

just saw “NICKALEROS LITTLE COCK” and chuckled a bit.



:rofl :rofl :rofl

won’t let me post because of the file name. sorry *******

use your imaginations and you can see it
