Reputation Points. New feature of vB.

As some of you have noticed we now have reputation points in the forums.

This can be used as a very useful tool for the member base or become absolutely useless, but it’s all up to you guys.

The points are used to judge forum characters as positive or negative by other members, which means you as a group get to determine who’s been naughty and who’s been nice. You can add that as another notch on the list of Democratic features we have going on, such as member ability to lock the threads that are out of interest.

The abuse limits are set where you can’t rep too many people in one day and you can’t rep the same person without spreading the rep around first.

The rep is this button at the bottom left of members info area, under the avatar.

Keep in mind we can also keep a log of who gives what rep and for what.

Basically if you see some funny comment which you genuinely enjoyed, member made a good thread, or have had a good experience with somebody after a trade you can positively rep them, but if somebody is annoying the hell out of you, or his signature gives you seizures you can neg rep them.

The end result of reputation will be visible to all the members in the rep bar.


I feel like this is going to end badly for me. :ohnoes

Sweet. used to have this but they got rid of it because it got way too out of hand… basically clowns repping people (positively and negatively) for useless shit.

That’s why I’m scared.


I had it removed on another forum.

People started having neg wars. It was gay.

Let’s all act like adults here and not like the children on the other forum(s) I’m on.

for YOU? dont make me laugh

I really like this feature on other forums I am on, but somehow I don’t think it will work as intended here, lol. Awesome idea though!


P.S. - Vlad gets rep for adding rep!

“but if somebody is annoying the hell out of you, or his signature gives you seizures you can neg rep them”


Leave now. Save yourself.

Omg yes i loved this one zilvia!!!

+rep to you

I am officially using the rep system to rate pictures in the badass pictures thread.

good idea

That’s how this will end up…I really don’t see a use for it here.

Once I figure out how to use this I will be stoked

I have + repped three people and it hasn’t done jack for them.

I dont think it is working yet

Rating pictures was a good idea, but no one is going to stick to proper use for long.

Sean, you just click the little scale looking icon under the avatar.

It shows up in the bottom of your “CP”

yes but it should also show up under your avataar as a little green square. Right now all our squares are blue. Posi rep will be more and more green square a lot of ned rep will show up as red squares. if you mouse over the squares it will tell you if you are a good member or not and show your rep points

i just +repped you and nothing

still says “mafdark is and unknown quantity at this point”

Sweet. This will keep people from posting the wrong pics in the threads. Or stupidly large obnoxious sig man from making dumb sigs

Who rep’d me? :squint
