Thanks / Karma / Reputation?

Ive seen this on many forums. Not sure if it would go well here or not, but figured it would be a nice feature to have. Thanking certain people for certain things they have done, offered, etc. in a post
here is a screen shot to show what i am talking about.

once thanked, the persons username will appear below showing that they thanked that specific user for that post:

just an idea.

I tried to give you a Thanks, but there isn’t one here.

:wink: thanks <3

i think a FGGT button would get way more use.

wtf, is this more of your gay porn shit?


I’m guessing its somewhere between karma & trader rating?

what about an ihi or ili button while we are at it???

pm nick…

I was going to suggest a FUCK YOU button but thats even better.

ehh whatevs…not needed

your gay

Ah, another BuffaloRange feature. that place has some pretty leet vb hax

It’s Karma basically.

If we add this I say we add Newman’s fggt button to keep a karma balance.

i say add the fggt button

+1 to fggt button

Karma is not coming back… that’s pretty much the end of that debate.

So, in the pic showing who “thanked” you, can all users see those names / thank count? or just the OP?

just below the post it says

The following users say Thanks for this useful post:

The following users say You’re a fggt:

Then below your post count and av it says Thanked xxx times on x posts, called a fggt xxxxxxxx times, in xxxx posts

yes, all users will be able to see.

as much as i think people will take advantage…it would be nice for people to actually be thanked for useful things.