February Intro Specials

Alright… LISTEN UP… My right-hand-man Harold “Hap” has taken a well deserved vacation with the family to the Sunshine State. Its Neil, Jim and I holding down the fort. We want to show him we are not slackers!

>>>5 REGULAR Alignments appointments available (on spec not in spec) A.S.S. SPECIAL SPECIAL $89.00 Call and get one! Today, Thursday, Friday & Sat Openings NOW> 765-7700.

>>> 25% off LABOR for ANY BRAKE JOB! Car or Truck, I’ll discount your brake job LABOR 25%. Today - Saturday. This is real. We’ll only replace the needed parts and SHOW you the details. Call NOW> 765-7700.

>>> FREE TIRE ROTATION & Multipoint Inspection >>> Today - FRIDAY ONLY. CALL NOW!>> 765-7700.

THIS week only. We are ready. Give us a call or stop over. We will be happy to have show and tell. There’s no foolin games played here! Hope to hear from you soon!

Once we are full, we cannot handle anymore requests to our standards… we can only do so much and be so good…then we tire…lol