Federal Judge Rules US Paper Money Unfair to Blind People


Wonder how much this will end up costing?

Also, if it comes to the point where we have to turn in all our existing paper currency to be “upgraded”, I’m offering to take anyone’s bills and have it done for them. So you don’t have to stand in line or anything. I’m just that nice a guy.



But if they are blind how are the going to spend the $ anyway? I mean usually they have a care taker so they dont buy pepsi instead of sprite and stuff like that.

I dont understand what the point of them making $ all different is going to solve if they still cant see what they are buying in the first place :stuck_out_tongue:

jesus christ …

whats next? traffic signs for the blind so they have less trouble driving ?

I guess Canada is in the process of adding braille to all their new paper currency. I didn’t get all the details because I can only listen to our one Canadian worker in about 10 second increments and still resist the urge to kill myself. If that’s the solution the US decides to go with I don’t think it would be a big deal.

The suggestion I saw in one article of making the bills difference sizes was retarded though.


well…we’ll see if it happens… the majority of people aren’t blind…and the majority usually wins…

I hate political; corectness and all this “its not fair” crap. Life isnt fair.

Why can’t they just use plastic? Problem solved.

That would be too easy. They have to waste as much tax $ as they can.

The government discriminates against blind people by printing money that all looks and feels the same, a federal judge said Tuesday in a ruling that could change the face of American currency.

Fucking car dealerships discriminate against my broke ass but you don’t see me taking it to the courts! Fuckingkl;ajsjoaimne;liawjreopaiwjf :rant:

this is why I don’t like Liberalism. All this shit to make everything fair for everybody. It is turning us into a communist state (figure of speach). All the social programs and all this “has to be fair for everyone” bullshit. Don’t get me wrong, the programs are great for those who need it, but the system needs to be revised sooooo badly. This is just another example of America turning into a bunch of pussys.

I always like the brail on the drive up atms:roll2:

actually I’d imagine it wouldn’t be that big of a process, the major banks will get imprinting machines and mark the bills in circulation and new bills will be marked.

blind people have often been victims of people they trust mis-marking bills for them

“$75 million in equipment upgrades and $9 million annual expenses for punching holes in bills”

doesn’t seem that bad

Take dishonest people out of the equation…

Answer 1 - TOPS automatic check out.

Answer 2 - Debit cards.

How difficult was that.

This is what happens when your your government is WAAAAAY too big and people are sitting around bored off their asses with nothing productive to do.

Bottom line: Even if they do change the size of the money, it’s not going to prevent the dishonesty.

Blind people are at a clear disadvantage regardless. How do they really know the price of what they’re buying? or if in a larger purchase with many items (grocey shopping) that the cashier didn’t double swipe something? These are just examples, but you should get my drift. Like AWDrifter said, they have made some improvements like the auto checkout and debit cards that should help to reduce the problem.

It’s not that I dont feel sorry for the blind people or that I don’t want to see improvements, but I dont think that the majority should have to have everything changed around for the small percentage that have the issue. This is becoming an all to common problem with the people in the country. Everyone is whiney and wants things changed around for them. A nation of individuals…it sucks. I’m sorry, but i grew up with rules and sometimes everything didn’t go my way and I dont EXPECT it to. Everyone has their own problems and I’m all for working to improve their situation, but not at the expense of others.

wtf are you talking about?

i have to agree with joe.

the country’s currency should be useable by all its people (except maybe the illiterate)

Since this won’t be negativly effecting any of us here, I don’t know why we are arguing it.

This will allow blind people a little bit more freedom without haveing a helper. We waste enough money on other stupid shit (the war) why can’t we use it here.

I agree as well.

i can see it now …

imbred country bumpkins v: the government