Federal Judge Rules US Paper Money Unfair to Blind People

I’m not 100% against the idea however I still think that its not going to really help their security with their money. People rob people all the time when their not blind, its only easier when they can’t see

I guess a valid question to bring up might be:

If you guys turned blind tomorrow, would you use a debit card for your purchases? or would you fumble around with cash?

which seems like a better option?

This puts the power back into the people. Before, blind people had to take whoever’s word for how much money they had in their hand, now they know and when they get change back from transactions, they will know too. I don’t see what the big deal is. Spending money for this makes 1000000 times more sense than the money spent on Iraq.

I just don’t like the wording. Something being difficult for a person with a handicap doesn’t mean that the thing is discriminating against that person. Fuck, Thanks to high school soccer and a series of operations I’ve only got about half the articular cartiledge left in my right knee but I don’t feel that businesses with stairs are discriminating against me. It’s a bitch, but not everything in life can be easy. My Grandpa had a stroke and, as with many stroke victims, lost the feeling in his fingers. He could barely handle paper money. Is the whole concept of paper money discriminating against stroke victims?

The whole concept of personal responsibility seems to be going away in this country. There’s always someone to blame for your problems, right?

it’s impossible for blind people to tell the difference between a one dollar bill and a 100 dollar bill, that’s discriminatory. An illiterate person can tell you that the bills are different.

For $9 million a year this is a logical solution to standardize the ability for blind people to use currency.

there are plenty of ways to scam people using credit and debit cards…i think putting brail or some kind identification system is a good idea

Very true about putting the power back into the people, but were not really helping the blind by giving them a chance to mishandle their money. Maybe there could be a special debt card given out to blind people that would help them manage their money better. Would be safer as it could keep track of how much they spent and someone might be able to review it for them instead of needing someone there for individual transactions. Just a thought on how to better the spending of money to fix that problem.

Justifying one mistake doesn’t justify another. Just because we might be wasting money in Iraq doesn’t mean that its ok to waste it on something else, just because its not as bad. Thats poor logic.

You still didn’t answer the question though. Would you use paper money or a debit card if you were blind?

Right on guy :tup:

The judge ruled that money that blind people can’t tell apart violates this:

I still say it’s not discrimination. Whatever, it’s a good result either way.

When this story first broke, and I posted it, the only thing they were talking about as a solution was different sized bills. At that point I was very much against it because I know the costs involved would be huge considering the number of automated machines that take denominations greater than $1.

If they can find an economical solution, I’m all for it.

And my original offer still stands. Drop off your cash and I’ll get it converted for you. My memory is so good I won’t even need to give you a receipt.

Different sized bills is fucking stupid. How hard is it to add some braille to the corners of money where the number denomination is? I mean really, it’s an extra step in the process of money creation, no new dies/mints would be needed and if they were, simple modification.

it’s all in the article how much it would cost if the bill were kept the current sizes

They always invent new ways to waste tax payer money.
That’s what I am talking about.
What’s next, a law that every consumer item has to have braille(sp) so they can spend their braille money?
Seriously, if you can’t even read money then how are you going to know what you are buying?
This reminds me of the braille at the ATM drive thru.

this wasn’t the governments idea, they fought against it…did you even read the article?



They don’t know if those buttons are going to end up on a walk up ATM or a drive up ATM, and it doesn’t make sense to have two separate machines to make the buttons just so the drive up ones don’t have braille.

hey hey hey

stop making sense …

This would not be a waste of money, and since it is impossible for any person to be 100% paper free when it come with money, it is a simple, cheap solution to the problem.

Not everyone accepts cards.

:word: the fucking subway restaurant @ ECMC is fucking cash only

And Golden Wok on N. French, god damn fuckers.

Mark my words, cash will be as scarce as Koogarans(sp) in due time.

Cash is only good for 2 things, drug deals and garage sales.
In an effort to track/tax every penny/transaction the government will abolish cash.

I agree but since we are still years away from that there is no reason to not help out the blind.

Thats cause you should be going to wok28 :wink: