Federal sales tax



#1 it would never happen here.
#2 it would still be less than what you and your employer pay for health care now.

When you’re spending trillions like it’s billions while saying you’re going to cut the deficit you have to find a new revenue somewhere.

VAT tax will happen… it needs to happen… it’s a better system. america is behind the times on this one.

As much as I want to punch you for saying this… its so true :frowning:



I can’t wait to see the millions of people going to jail for tax evation.
This should be fun.
IRS agents raiding garage sales. LOL

Just wait for the insane taxes on gas and electric, the feds will be raiding people selling firewood in their front yards. It will soon be illegal to burn firewood.(thanks Al)
(But he won’t tax poor people)

You wanted Hitler, you got him. Just wait.

Makes me a happy man for considering Tax Law as a profession :slight_smile: Obama is making my career :wink:

this is about a fundamental shift in the way we collect taxes… it does not imply more or less overall taxes for anybody. (unless you’re trying to spin something)

Wow. Bahhhhhhh. Or unless you do simple math.

If this is a “flat tax” that would replace the income tax, count me in.

However, I see this being a tax added to existing.

It’s still regressive as an income tax replacement. The guy who’s rich but buys all cheap shit doesn’t pay anything and those who make major purchases with modest income get raped. It would hurt the economy because people would buy a lot less shit if it cost 25% more.

I don’t think this has anything to do with replacing income tax (look at England as a VAT model)

and remember that while the VAT tax is a flat tax like a sales tax, it’s not the only tax / intended for a flat tax system.

The usual suspects are here, wishing more taxes on everyone. What do you get for the taxes you pay now? California got a bankrupt state, if we keep going, we just might bankrupt the entire country. Awosme.

even if that were true it has nothing to do with the fundamental workings and benefits of a VAT over a traditional sales tax.

Did any of you retards actually read the story? It was a commentary on an article from the “virginia tax review” whatever the fuck that is. Then it was all spun to shit to make it look like it’s something under consideration in the american government, which it is not. There were no facts in that story. It’s just another fine example of why fox news has such a shitty reputation.

wow bitter much?

last I checked, something in the news =/= the LAW :meh:

plus he doesn’t understand that a VAT tax is collected at the factory then reclaimed each step down the road.

nobody had to reclaim it, but if they don’t then they ate it. that’s the beauty, you can’t avoid it and it’s collected right at the start. it even solves the problem of internet sales.

Personally I think any government level taxing me and then wasting the money is the problem.

Sorry, all of the other comments about how great more taxes are must have had something to do with it then. I guess I got in the middle of your VAT wet dream. Continue on with how great VAT will be, when its in addition to the other 100 taxes I pay.