Feeler ... H.I.D. group buy ..

wondering if anyone would be interested in doing a group buy on HID kits … we get them out of Canada …3 year warranty … every bulb size and color available
and they are plug and play

gonna check on an exact price tomarrow … but of course it will depend on the number of people we get …

Any questions please feel free to PM me or BDR LT1 … or you can call Rainbow and ask for Derrick or Jay … 877-3878

Thanx …


depending on price i may be interested

Any pics of these kits? What kind of ballasts do they use?

same here

i’d def be down…

i’d like to see some pics though on how they have turned out on cars in the past though…

what everyone else said

derrick, hit me up brooooooo, id be in

also might be in for some tints for a new DD…

roger that…the kits i see on custommaxima.org go for like 450

don’t get shitty ballasts. that’s all i am going to say. bulbs are cheap on ebay, only like 100 bucks, so if they burn out every 3 months, who cares. But changing ballasts every few months would be a PITA.

I might be, depending on price…

how they turn out depends on a bunch of things, like how much u have to fab, how good you are at fab, what sort or headlights your using

best bet is to searchthe web for others who have done hid retrofits to the car your buying thme for

well everybody says they will be down depending on price…but think of it like this…the more people…the cheaper the price

NO fab work involved … plug and play … 3 year warranty … if anyone want to check them out i have them in my banger just PM me and we can set something up

price on fox body kit?

Exactly, what type of equipment is in the kit?

kits will start around $260 … but the more people the cheaper …and NO shipping fees

they have bike kits also … 1 and dual bulb kits

Should be Balast x2…all wiriing…bulbsx2 that fit into ur particular housing


this is what custommaxima.com sells…they are universal for all cars since they make them for different bulbs…i am only assuming Derricks kits are similar if not better than these

What I’m asking is who makes the ballast’s. Not looking for a cheapo kit with crappy equipment is what I’m saying. If its quality stuff im interested.