Feeling good? watch this!

It’ll make you feel like shit in no time!


…I think i should visit some family in Dubai :smiley:

yeah i watched that last week, persians know how to live

Careful…Arabs and Persians are different. I still love my uncles reaction when people call him Persian. “donttt eeverrr coll me parsian!” :lol:

ah good old UAE, Bahrain & Saudi Arabia :smiley:

man that is the life! where can i get myself some pjamas like those?

lets go to Dubai!

i also watched this last week, really inspiring… i want an arc

thats fuc**** awesome man i like to see people who enjoy their money!! … On cars that is lol. I really liked the fact that the dude wid the hummer actually helped his servant to dig out sand 8)

Shejk Maktoum Hasha Maktoum Al Maktoum. Thats a crazy name.

Its at 2:54 in anyones wondering.