Feels strange to give 2-week notice..

So, I told my boss that June 6th was going to be my last day at this job… Kinda strange feeling and bittersweet. 1st job outta college, love the people, hate the company’s management and politics.

Found another job and got an offer I couldn’t turn down; 30% Salary increase, and 10% equivalent salary increase in benefits (reduced Healthcare costs, and much better 401K); so net 40% raise. :headbang:

First “real” job I’ve ever quit, kinda strange feeling… Nervous about leaving, and excited for the new job…

congrats. so where to?

Enivate in OP; they spun off Enidyne a couple years ago.

Going to be a Senior Mechanical Engineer doing new designs on Electro/Mechanical actuators for aircraft.

nice! congrats!

sounds kinky

good luck!

40% does this mean your car will get finished?

Good luck

good for you.

lots of people miss out on better opportunities because they are too scared to leave the norm.

I hope it will at least let me put it into a state where I can drive/enjoy it again instead of it collecting dust in the garage.


i’m in a similar situation, but haven’t been able to decide yet :frowning:

I should be making the same jump too.