
fellow nyspeeders question sexuality!!!(540kid/blonde) (99civicex/brunette)
hickeys were exchanged and the excuse is they were drunk!!!

u judge if its gay or not…

notice the arm around the waist and the spooning!


thats not gay. thats hot

Totally rainbow. Better sign up for the pride march.

haha with the hand wrapped around the pipe



say it aint so… the only gay sex the del sol saw was jay and i… and its not gay cuz jay is sooo dreamyyyy

oh boy

pics of penetration!!!


say it aint so… the only gay sex the del sol saw was jay and i… and its not gay cuz jay is sooo dreamyyyy


Our babies will be so cute.

jay remember that time before you lived here we went out and got drunk and you just came back here and passed out in my bed and i said fuck it and curled up next to you and we woke up the next morning cuddling? that was pretty gay

edit- there were no hickeys exchanged though

awww,snuggling under the same blanket.

i dont think its gay :gotme:

u wouldnt!^^

oh that is precious


jay remember that time before you lived here we went out and got drunk and you just came back here and passed out in my bed and i said fuck it and curled up next to you and we woke up the next morning cuddling? that was pretty gay

edit- there were no hickeys exchanged though


Where oh where did that jay go :stuck_out_tongue:


that is so gay

i cuddled with jeller’s little brother once. i think what they did was ok.