TRUTH about 94wvwglxvr6

SublimeBigJ: i was really drunk
RuBiCaNT5X: I figured…
SublimeBigJ: make out with random 18 yr old ftw.
SublimeBigJ: i am all that is man
RuBiCaNT5X: Hahhaha… Go you!!
SublimeBigJ: but i kept getting hit on by this gay dude
SublimeBigJ: he kept trying to kiss me
SublimeBigJ: and sating i was cute
SublimeBigJ: and saying he loved to suck dick
SublimeBigJ: ew
RuBiCaNT5X: Give in to your gayness Jam…
SublimeBigJ: hahahahha
SublimeBigJ: fuck that
RuBiCaNT5X: You love the chin nuts…
SublimeBigJ: my nuts on his chin yes

i would have kicked that guy in the junk!

haha. I pull mad gay waiters. and i call BS on the makeout:

awww wtf… what happened to private conversations between roomates???

seriously… he kept feeding me shots of tequelia and trying to hold my hand and kiss me and shit. i can put up with it as long as hes buyin the shots. he kept like taking me by the hand and like dragging me into a room alone… i was really drunk. he was trying to take advantage of the situation.

and newman does pull mad gay waiters. that dude at pano’s wants your nuts baddd.


its ok man… you can come out now… we all know now…

haha. the waiter at panos totally wants to rail me… maybe if he was rich or something. why can’t i get hit on by a gay doctor or somethng. :stuck_out_tongue:

u emo fags really suck at life


more curious to why u followed him into htis room


not really… i was drunk and he kept trying to pull me into a room alone. i wouldnt allow it. and he was a friend of a friend and he was really drunk and i had met him a few times before and he was a good dude. he was just shitfaced…

that strays from my comfort zone. i would have to find the nearest stairs and relocate him to the bottom.

the 18 yr old you made out with was a girl right?:lol:


no. it was a dude. a big hairy dude. i fucking made out with a dude.

jesus christ…

bahahahah. i can see jam getting all fired up over this.

haha cant really blame him


dont forget the gay waiter at perkins newman lol

Not for anything but you are a cock tease…you led him on and took all those drinks fully knowing what his intent was. You are a heart breaker and should be ashamed. You are worse than a gold diggin meal ticket loving whore!

Edit* But before I blame you completely, I did have a gay guy hook me up with a full alignment, wheel balancing, wiper blades for my Z for free. BUT STILL YOU COCK TEASE! Atleast the tire guy wasnt trying to hold my hand and make out with me.


i don’t know what to say jam…haha

did you give him your #?

ahahahahahahaha i wish i coulda been there for that