for the ball grabbing?
Hey JAM, remember when you kissed that dude in fredonia? At Chrissy’s?
iirc, it was the dude that kissed ME. as i was laying on my back. in the grass. drunk as shit. with a girl on each arm. iirc, he drove a ghey purple beatle.
i enjoyed that mucho. i believe jam kissed “that dude” more than once, too. that was a good fucking night. hahaha.
Wow…Lots of Truth in this thread…
jam, your so gay the closet burnt down around you … so just admit it already …
hockey aint fun if girls are playing, and the same goes for tonsel hockey … only guys can be ruff like the guys like …
this is the worst thread i’ve read in a while
EDIT: oh i get it man, it’s just nassssssty
Unless you know Jam or are a VW keeeed, you won’t see the humor…
haha, i can’t believe you are getting so pissed… maybe you have something to hide?
I told Jam last night to just admit it… After all, that is the first step towards loving yourself…
Unless you know what Jam stands for, you best STFU like he said…
the reason i was pissed in that last post is because hotrodkid called my by my real name, and he donsent even fucking know me… i dont like that.
and that one time he started a thread about you from overhearing a conversation at the dmv??? wtf…
hahahaha. all the hamburg kids are crying themself to sleep… some kid came in the other day. he wanted you to race his dad. when i told him you were parting the car out, it looked like he was going to cry…
i was at that party. don’t remember jam kissing anyone, boy or girl. i do remember mouthing off to the fredonia cops, partially because i felt they didn’t need to write down my information, partially because i thought they were campus police. i do remember jam’s eyes bugging out of his head when i started questioning the officers actions :eekdance:
I dont know man, when is the last time you went and saw a movie with a chick?
hahahahaha JJ i was so surprised…
Does your mom count?
ohhhhh that was a BURN!
Kinda sucks that my mom has aids…